Tax Planning

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Does Your CPA Do More Than Just Prepare Taxes?

  • Planning, projecting and preparing annual income tax returns while incorporating your tax strategy, developing a comprehensive financial plan.
  • Optimize your investment portfolio by making the most of your tax-advantaged retirement accounts through the appropriate placement of investments into tax favored accounts versus non-retirement accounts.
  • Annual review and coordination of your investment strategy with your tax planning, allowing for tactical adjustment which may increase after-tax returns.
  • Avoid or Minimize:
    • The Alternative Minimum Tax through proper tax strategies which impact your investment strategies
    • Capital gain exposure without compromising your strategic portfolio allocations.
  • Utilizing tax attributes; carry-forwards, credits, other special deductions based on your unique tax profile.
  • We incorporate current federal and state(s) tax law along with an appreciation of future tax proposals given the ever-changing and complex tax code in order to obtain the maximum benefits.

Tilton Asset Management delivers the true benefits of financial planning by addressing all areas of your financial situation, including taxation. We incorporate a wide array of professional experience & services with the goal of growing, protecting and making sure our clients enjoy their wealth based on a well construction personal financial plan.